Choose CEREC Ceramic Crowns Over Other Traditional Crown Materials

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CEREC® (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramic) ceramic crowns are innovative restorations. Patients appreciate the many advantages of CEREC crowns over traditional crown materials. The technology of these restorations continues to bring bigger smiles in many communities. Choosing CEREC ceramic crowns is an easy decision. If you want to know why, here are the details

Enhanced fit

CEREC ceramic crowns are high-tech restorations. The state-of-the-art technology behind them allows dentists to remove messy molds from the equation. Biting into soft and cold putty to get every detail of the patient’s mouth is not applicable in CEREC anymore. Instead, the dentist uses a small camera to capture the images of the patient’s teeth and gums.

The software takes these images and puts them together. Then, it converts the whole image into a 3D impression. This impression will be the blueprint of the patient’s CEREC ceramic crown. The dimensions of the 3D impression ensure an improved fit. It is a better fit than what traditional molds can give.

No need for putty

Traditional crowns need a plaster-like mold of the patient’s mouth. This needs patients to bite down into a messy putty for a short while. The patient needs to hold the bite until the mold gets every detail of the patient’s mouth. This is an uncomfortable step for most patients.

In CEREC crowns, this does not happen anymore. Instead, the dentist inserts a small, intraoral camera into the patient’s mouth. The multiple static images from the camera will undergo processing. CEREC software will stitch these images together. Then, the whole image will turn into a 3D impression of the person’s mouth. This stage is painless.

Natural, comfortable results

Getting CEREC crowns is painless and quick. The results are close to the appearance and texture of the patient’s natural teeth. Dentists make sure that the resulting crown fits into the patient’s waiting tooth. CEREC crowns are comfortable to wear. These restorations do not have any sharp edges resulting from the milling process. Patients do not have tooth sensitivity after the procedure as well.

Lasting restorations

CEREC ceramic crowns can provide patients the durability that they need. Each crown comes from one solid ceramic block. It is a wise form of investment for dental health. CEREC crowns can last for at least 10-15 years. Providing regular care to them can make this happen.

Quick results

Traditional dental crowns take several weeks. A significant bulk of the time goes to waiting for the permanent dental crowns. The patient also needs to wear temporary crowns to protect the implants while waiting for the permanent ones from the dental lab. CEREC technology does not make the patient wait that long anymore. The patient can go home with CEREC ceramic crowns after one dental appointment.

Choosing CEREC ceramic crowns over traditional crown materials is a practical decision

Busy lifestyles and demanding work make it difficult for many people to get traditional crowns. That is why people want to get CEREC ceramic crowns. They know they will get better-fitting, more comfortable crowns. An appointment with your doctor can clear up more questions you may have about getting CEREC ceramic crowns soon.

Request an appointment or call Fort Lauderdale Dental Studio at (954) 519-7792 for an appointment in our Fort Lauderdale office.